
I'm Meghan. My twitter is primarily my personal one. I mostly post about fandom, politics, and my personal life with stupid crap I think is funny mixed in. I also post art ... sometimes. I long since gave up on curating my online brand.Sometimes I can be kind of feral.My art posted to Twitter is in my Moments.

you draw?

Here's some of my fan art. you probably have seen it on tumblr, since that’s where I post it. I do a lot of fan art because life is way too damn short to not spend it doing something I enjoy.I realize I draw a lot of men. I'm sorry.

Look, it's me :O ⟶

  • Age: b. 06/1988

  • Pronouns: She/her

  • Likes: reading about weird niche subjects, tropical things, Halloween

  • Dislikes: mayonnaise

  • Main fandom: JJBA, OK KO, BNHA

  • Also: Vampire Chronicles, ASoIaF, Diana Wynne Jones, Yuri on Ice

about me

before you follow

I don't mind minors following me, since (swearing like a sailor aside) I am generally SFW. I'm also cool with interacting with my tweets. However, I am a whole-ass adult in my early 30s, so I don't feel comfortable personally following minors back. No hard feelings meant!I am really bad at replying back sometimes. I don't have any excuses.